
Political Economic Risk Analysis

Clients often know a lot about their specific industry but not a lot about the political and economic dynamics of the country in which they are operating or investing. To help clients understand the dynamics of a country or region, ACM Global provides political economic risk analysis and monitoring. ACM Global provides clients with information from on-the-ground sources to help them understand the political economic risks and opportunities. We give clients our analysis and make recommendations to help them meet their strategic business objectives.

Investigations & Litigation Support

When operating or investing around the world, clients can find themselves in need of investigative services. Whether the situation involves investigating potential wrongdoing or understanding the individuals and entities involved in a complicated legal matter, ACM Global helps client by conducting thorough, detailed investigations. Working with on-the-ground sources in relevant jurisdictions and using an intelligence-based methodology, we answer the client’s questions and provide pertinent information and analysis.

Competitive Intelligence

Clients need help understanding the competitive landscape in which they are operating and investing around the world. They often need advice on market entry, global strategies, or transnational threats to their business operations, including climate change, corruption, political violence, and terrorism. That’s where we come in. ACM Global helps clients build competitive intelligence programs to collect information on an industry, market, geography, or threat. We help clients understand the potential risks and opportunities and monitor developments over a sustained period of time - sometimes for months or years. We follow the trends and provide clients with timely, well-sourced information to help them make the best strategic business decisions possible.

Due Diligence Research

Before closing a deal or making an important hire, clients need information about the people and entities involved. ACM Global helps clients by carrying out due diligence research and reporting, which includes information gathered from public records, proprietary databases, open sources, and on-the-ground sources. Drawing from a wide network of global sources, we can access information on corporate entities or individuals in all parts of the world. We look for “red flags” and potential reputational risks to help clients feel confident in their business decisions.